The Complete Website Planning Checklist
You want to create a brand new website, right? Awesome! You've come the right place if you want to redesign an existing website, or start from scratch. Many things need to be considered. This handy website planning check list will
The Most Common Mistakes in Web Design Small Businesses Make
A poor website can cause businesses to lose clients, which is money. This happens with alarming regularity. Small business owners often design their own website to save money or have more control. They may not understand the principles of good
Why hiring a web designer is better than DIY
We live in an age where "do-it-yourself" is a common phrase. You can learn how to fix your washing machines on YouTube or fix the html code on your company website. The same principle applies to website design. SquareSpace and Wix
Website Redesign Benefits
Does your website appears to be a bit dated? Has it recently become sluggish and cumbersome? Do you long to implement that new shopping cart feature that will increase sales? If you have been asking these or similar questions, it may
When Does a Website Become Obsolete?
One of the most common errors made by businesses is delaying the redesign of their website until something adversely affects their business, at which point they abandon their site maintenance. It's normal for a business website to go months without being
The Reasons Visitors Leave Your Website
Why do visitors leave your website? When you have a corporate website, you want visitors to come to it and remain as long as they need to complete their task, which could be making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter,
What Are The Benefits Of Hiring A Web Development Company?
The creation of a website may seem like an easy task at first glance, but no matter how much you think you are capable of doing so, a Minneapolis professional web development company can definitely produce a better website for
How To Avoid Losing Your Domain Name Forever
Quite possibly one of the most frustrating of and a website owner can experience is gaining the knowledge that their domain name is expired. Considering for a moment that the vast majority of domain names are used for a business,
How to Identify Authentic Domain Renewal Notices
If your business or brand is running a website, you are likely to have paid for an active domain unique to your business. Depending on the duration you paid for, an email from the registrar should show up in your
Why You Should Update Your Website
It is essential that you regularly update your website so that it can continue to get search engine traffic and grow. Procrastinating is not in your website's best interest, so be sure to update it as soon as you can. Is